Office: 1255 37th St. Suite B, Vero Beach, FL 32960

Fax: (772)228-6883

Phone: (772)228-6882


How Does Micro-Needling Work?

Micro-needling is a skin therapy that uses microneedles to stimulate collagen regeneration. We can treat fine lines and deeper wrinkles, acne scarring, surgical scarring, burns, stretch marks, melasma, and sunspots.

The purpose of micro-needling is to promote healing without scars and encourage new collagen production similar to fractional laser treatments. Unlike the laser, there are minimal side effects or downtime associated with micro-needling.

What Can Be Treated Using Micro-Needling?

Microneedling is very commonly used to treat thin line and wrinkles, scarring from acne, scars, burns, etc. It has also shown great success in the treatment of stretch marks.

We are proud to offer SkinPen™ the first FDA approved mico-needling device.  

What Happens During A Micro-Needling Treatment?

A microneedling treatment begins with an in-depth assessment of your skin’s current state. After the assessment is done, we apply a topical anesthetic cream and afterwards will begin treating the agreed-upon areas. We make several passes over the area in a gentle motion passing up and down.
How Long Does It Take?
It usually takes about 30 minutes for a treatment.
Does It Hurt?
There is minimal discomfort as we first apply a topical anesthetic cream.
"This office is extremely compassionate and focused on patient care. I appreciate Dr. Sikora being so professional and accommodating. I certainly had a pleasant experience and would recommend her for any Aesthetic procedures."
Is It Safe?

Microneedling is very safe! The risk of infection is minimal since the needles are sterile and disposed of after each treatment and the skin is cleaned and prepped beforehand.

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

Typically, there are 3-4 treatments, 6 weeks apart

Can Anyone Do It?
No. Microneedling is only to be used with caution and physician approval. It is best done under the supervision of a physician as we perform medical microneedling which uses longer needles (.5 mm up to 2.5 mm) to stimulate the dermis, your skin’s deeper layers. The longer needles reach the deep dermis, making it possible to treat acne and other scars by breaking up scar tissue and inducing skin remodeling.

It should not be used on anyone with an active skin infection or raised lesion (wart, mole, etc) on the area to be treated, a history of chronic skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema, a history of Herpes Simplex infections or diabetes. Micro-needling can NOT be used on anyone with scleroderma, collagen abnormalities, vascular disease or cardiac abnormalities. It can also not be used if you have rosacea, blood clotting problems, are on blood-thinning medication or an immune-suppressing medication, or if you have an active bacterial or fungal infection.
How Long Is The Recovery Time?
Your skin will be red and swollen in the treatment areas for two to four days. It is recommended that you avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible for the next day or two as your skin will be hyper-sensitive. Avoid direct exposure for at least 10 days post treatment if possible. Alcohol based skin products may not be used for 14 days post treatment. Makeup may not be worn for at least 12 hours after treatment unless it is a mineral makeup approved by the provider. You may resume wearing regular mineral makeup the day after treatment.