Office: 1255 37th St. Suite B, Vero Beach, FL 32960
Fax: (772)228-6883
Phone: (772)228-6882
NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is a molecule found in every cell in the body. NAD is used to power metabolism by enabling the mitochondria – the ‘power stations’ of the cell to convert the food we eat into the energy our body needs to sustain all its functions. It is also required to “turn off” genes implicated in accelerating aging processes.
NAD helps maintain healthy mitochondrial function – an important component of healthy human aging. Research shows that as we age levels of NAD decline substantially. This decline leaves us at greater risk for neuro and muscular degeneration, declines in our cardiometabolic health and our capacity for cellular repair and resiliency.
Today, scientists believe NAD is key to increasing the amount of time we spend in good health.
The body has many different needs and demands to keep itself active and functioning properly. Cellular energy is what powers all of the body’s functions such as keeping the heart beating, the lungs expanding and contracting, and enabling the brain to process thought.
Cellular energy not only fuels our most basic bodily functions, it also is necessary to defend against oxidative stress in the body, repair DNA damage, create the building blocks for DNA and RNA, and to turn on ‘longevity promoting’ proteins called sirtuins.
Call now to find out about IV NAD Therapy at Sikora Integrative Medicine.
Office: 1255 37th St. Suite B, Vero Beach, FL 32960
Fax: (772)228-6883
Phone: (772)228-6882